Gardens on a leash

School is coming quickly.  And Kiddo is beyond hyped.  She is excited for school and so ready to just explode with learning in a more structured setting.  She will be in a classroom right next to J’s room, so I’m sure I’ll get some stories about “I heard Kiddo today…”

And J is already back, meetings, planning, set up, etc.

So, life is ramping up.  I’ll soon have the days to myself.  As mentioned earlier, I’ve got a project that I’ll be working on this coming year, but that doesn’t mean that I’m not sad for what’s ending.  No more Dada and Kiddo lunches.  No more random Kiddo fun during the day.  No more day trips on a random Tuesday to just see something in Bangkok.  

We had our last Dada Kiddo lunch the other day.  It was hard not to cry during that lunch.  I took a pic the first time we did our lunch, way back in October of 2021.  Now, almost a year later.*

We also, unlike a year ago, are more experienced and can quickly get about on the Tuks.  

However, I did find some solace that night.  Ten minutes to ten at night.  Light rain.  78 degrees (25.5 for my Euros) and the house was open to get some fresh air in.  Great weather.  Nice pitter-pat of rain.  The sounds of horny frogs doing frog things.  Sorry about the odd video flip at the end, I almost dropped my phone when I went to end recording.

Also, I won’t be completely alone come Monday.  Not only do I have to make sure Poley is behaving and safe, but I also have to care for our garden.  As you can see, it’s doing pretty good.  We also found jalapeño pepper seeds and Kiddo, in typical Kiddo fashion, put multiple seeds per hole.  So they wouldn’t be lonely.  Besides, peppers means lots, so you can’t just have one.  Peppers are friends.  Can’t beat 5 year old logic.

Lastly, my AirPods started getting static in the left bud.  After a few days of that, I made an appointment with the Apple Repair nearest us.  Thankfully, based on serial number, my Pods fall under a “known issue” and repair will (likely) be free.  Only, it needs to be diagnosed to see if it’s the known issue or user damage.  That will take 10-14 business days.  If found to have to known issue, I will get refurb replacements (fine) and that will take 3-5 business days plus shipping.  If not known issue and needs repair, I can pay $50 for that (better than $300 for a new set) and repair will take 7-10 business days plus shipping.  

Somewhere in the next 2-5 weeks, I will have my Pods back.  So, until then, I spent $20 (690 baht, but I was rounding for ease) on a wired pair.  Only problem is, there is no power pass thru.  I can listen or charge, but not both.  I could have gotten an adaptor that I could plug in and listen at the same time.  That would have been more than double the price.  I still would have needed the wired headphones to go with it, so that would have cost extra as well.  

I went with the cost effective method, since it’s just a short term bandaid, but I gotta tell you; After so many years wireless and then having to plug back in…. First world problems, for sure, but I feel like I’m on a leash.  LOL

A lot is changing.  A lot of firsts coming.  Life never stops.

Let’s go, Kiddo… It’s almost your first day and Mumma and I want to spoil you a little bit more before you go from being our sweet baby to our little school girl.  I’m not crying, I was…. Just cutting onions!

*Note the masks.  Mandate lifted, but our thoughts are, we are guests here in this country and culture.  We will do as the locals do.  Until we go into a store and see the staff isn’t wearing masks, we will continue to mask.  Why?  Because wearing a mask is significantly easier than Covid.  Also, because we’d rather follow and be one of the last to go without rather than be one of the first and add fuel to the Covid fire.


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