Hip Hop and this ain't pop

Tonight is the opening of Lightyear and it’s also a Big Girl Friday Night Fun Night so I’m going to head over to the mall and theater and see about getting some tickets to that.  Kiddo, if the plan comes together, is gonna lose all the bananas again.  So, in about 8 hours, if you see bananas…. Those will be Kiddo’s!  HAHA. Honestly, I’m excited as well, but outside of the Cars movies, I’m all in on Pixar.  In fact, Ratatouille is easily a top 10 movie for me and I’d say top 5.  I wonder how the movie and set up will be structured.  I know Buzz Lightyear had a cartoon or show of some sort a few years ago, but I never saw it or know the lore of it, so I can only assume this follows that in some way or form.  

As the year winds down here, J has Field Day with her school.  Basically, the kids are divided up grades 1-7 are teamed up and they do activities and challenges and things like that.  J is Team Green.  Today is going to be 13 children, divided evenly from all those grades, on Team Green with Mrs. J.  Yup, that’s how J told me about it.  13 kids.  Divided evenly.  YOU figure it out.  I’ll just Nick Miller moonwalk away.

Kiddo also got to have some fun yesterday, as she and Beer went to some kind of Rabbit cafe or park or something.  Bunny something.  Either way, Kiddo loved it.  We heard all about the bunnies and the fluffs and softness and how cute they were.  You see the pics and then hearing her 5 year old at us about it, you can’t even imagine.  She also brought BattieCup with and so we got to hear from a bat about the experience as well.  Remember, we live with the embodiment of Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes.  However, BattieCup needed to be showered to wash the Bunny hairs off, so when Kiddo showered, BattieCup came with.  That was a whole thing as well.  The fun was Kiddo in the shower singing to herself and then crying in BattieCup and Kiddo then used her voice to tell him it would all be ok and then doing a back and forth.

<High pitched voice> What is this?  It’s raining.  I’m scared.

Don’t be scared, BattieCup, this is just the shower.  You get clean here.  I’ll show you.  Also, you get to play with soap and bubbles.

<High pitched voice> What is shower?  I don’t like soap.  BattieCup is scared and wet and cold.

It’s ok.  It’s ok.  You can squeeze my hand if you’re scared.  And the water will make warm.  See?

<High pitched voice> Oh.  That’s nice.  It’s fun.  


<High pitched voice> Oh no!  I need a hand to squeeze.  I’’m scared.  What’s THAT!

Don’t worry, Don’t worry.  It’s just a purple squeaky washer in the shower.  See, I dip it in the water and soap and then clean you.

<High pitched voice> BattieCup likes that.  Kiddo is the best shower giver.

Yeah.  That’s our Kiddo!

Before I go….

It’s Pride Month.  As I wrote this post today, I built a queue of music for myself.  Geographer and George Michael, with a few others mixed in as well, Chvrches, Depeche, and things like that, but the bulk is Geographer and George Michael.  If you’ve never heard of Geographer, give them a listen.  Verona-Stripped, Kites, or Original Sin would be good places to start.  As for George Michael, just find and listen to the Listen Without Prejudice (Volume 1) if you can find it.  If not, the Spotify mashup Listen Without will do you fine.  

I bring this up because I was in the mood for Geographer this morning, thought George would go well with that, mixed in some others and here we are.  Spotify, however, wanted to push Pride Month playlists on me.  Fine.  But then it hit me why.  Geographer and GM both were open and out.  Depeche and Martin Gore… Some flexibility and ambiguity there.  But I didn’t build the playlist because it was or is Pride Month.  I built it because it is good music.  So much so, I will fight and die on the hill of Listen Without being one of the top 10 albums of the 90s and a top 100 all time album.  The message.  The change in styles and a break away from Wham and what GM had become as a popstar and having something serious to say.  The covers.  The pure depth of feeling and soul.  Listen to it front to back as an album… Twice in the same day and then at least three more times throughout the rest of the week.  5 listens in 7 days.   Trust me on that.

On that note…

Let’s go, Kiddo…. To infinity and beyond!


Anonymous said…
That plate of snacks at the bunny cafe is just too adorable! Can I have that for my lunch, please? Ha, ha. Dr. J
(P.S. Google keeps wanting to use my work account for comments. When I try to switch to my personal account, I just get an error message. *sigh*)

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