
The neighborhood continues to expand and more new is happening each day.  The train line is coming along well and once that opens it will be a game changer for us.  A five minute walk to the train and then access to most of the city.  The days of 30-45 minute cab rides to the nearest BTS station are coming to an end and how much fun is that going to be.  Plus, the night market.  We can’t quite figure out what they are pile driving, but we think it’s plots or vendor stalls.

Outside of that, the school year started and its full speed ahead.  J has been busy, but she always is at the start of the year.  Kiddo, however, is the hard part.  The range of emotions.  Everyday, coming home, she’s bursting with stories and fun and friends and everything else, but we’re still having the morning tears.  I want to play with you today, Dada.  I wish Poley could come to Kindergarten with me and have you there to do talking for him.  We missed our Dada Kiddo special lunch.  I don’t like the lunches.  Etc etc etc.  

It’s hard.  For her, it’s the new.  The change.  The growing.  The learning.  The social aspects.  All of it.  Being 5 and starting kinder, not only just starting kinder, but in a foreign school with kids who are fluent in Thai and not so much in English is another hurdle.  So, I just hug her each morning.  Let her get the tears and worries and frustrations out.  We walk slowly to school, chatting and just having fun.  I always get a brief little cry and an extra tight hug right before I drop her off.

After that, I walk home and usually hit the market for produce and the like.  I always miss Kiddo though.  For the last year, she’s been my market buddy.  My lunch pal.  My lil love.  Even on Beer days, I’d come in or come home and it would be filled with Kiddo energy.  Now, it’s just me.  

We’re all trying to find the groove of it.  We all are adapting to the change in different ways and trying to find a way to come together and find the little routines that make this all work.

As some of you know, yesterday marked my 45th trip around the sun.  It was low key and (to quote a card I got in years past from the one and only Doc J) Puuurrrrrrrrfect!  She always sends me some type of ecard that is cat themed.  This has been going on for 20+ years now.  And thanks for that Doc J.  Love and hugs to you and thanks for the wishes.  Same to Schimittah, Gav, Chiquita (if she reads this), my bro in law Stevie G, and all the rest.

I only bring this up because I got myself a Bday gift.  Well, not so much got as pulled the trigger on.  I blocked some poison from my life and cleared out and cleaned up about 10 years worth of garbage and nonsense.  

It’s a good feeling to know that I don’t and won’t ever have to deal with certain people any longer.  Sad that it had to come to that.  But, J and I promised each other that we’d not raise Kiddo around people who are poisonous for her or ourselves.  So, awful as it may sound, they are dead to me and effectively, dead to Kiddo and J as well.  

Much like my writings on MuriKKKa and how we won’t stand for it, we won’t stand for selfishness, foolishness, or manipulation.  People who make our lives about them, people who refuse to accept their part in a destroyed relationship, people who break the rules and are given grace; only to throw that in my face as a “gotcha” moment, not realizing if they thought one step past the “gotcha” they would see it’s worse for them than us.

Much like Majorie Taylor Greene (AKA; Major Traitorous Queen) and her PPP Loans and then getting all huffy about Biden’s student debt forgiveness of $10k.  Maybe you look one step further before you fire off indignations about the “gotcha” debt relief.  It’s “completely unfair”, wait… Don’t talk about MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!

We won’t stand for it.  We set boundaries that were ignored.  If those people are reading and pissed that you are blocked on all platforms besides this public forum that we can’t restrict that easily (unless they comment and then I can remove and drop the ban hammer), well, they made that bed.  I hope it’s comfy.  Because I’ve pleaded with them to just think, just for a minute, and look beyond and realize that they stand to lose significantly more.  I was told “same old story” and called “awful”.

Well, I’m awfully glad to be rid of them.  Kiddo might notice this Christmas, but memory has already faded after the last two years and as she forms new bonds and friendships, those folks will be as forgotten as anything else in a child’s early life.  Because I’ve reached, more than once, with an (admittedly thorny) olive branch, but an olive branch just the same.  The equity was never going to be 50/50, but we would have accepted 70/30, even 80/20, but these folks are won’t even back down when you point out the obvious flaws and wrongs.  So, they are dead, at least to us.  

And to (mis)quote Forrest Gump; “Well that’s good.  That’s one less thang.”

Let’s go, Kiddo… It’s another day and I know you had a cry this morning and a lot is changing, but Mumma and I are very proud of you and your new adventures in school and how brave and bold and amazing you are.  Thanks for making my 45 years worth it and then some.  And a thanks and love you to J as well.  Thanks for baking her for all those months.  In this case, two chefs were better than one, because our Kiddo is truly amazing.  

“No thank you for meeee?”

OK, Kiddo.  Thank you!  For being you.  I love you.  Mumma loves you.  You will always be my best birthday gift.


jms said…
Thanks for the shout-out about the cat bday cards! I figure that's about the only type of cat you'll welcome into your life. Ha, ha. Glad you had a good birthday, and hang in there with the new school changes. It's a lot to take in for all of you! Dr. J
Lets Go Kiddo said…
Well, Doc J, the real type of cats would send me into anaphylaxis (or so the allergists tell me) so the digital version are probably for the best. :)

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