A flood of fun
I had a Bangkok experience last night.
I went out with a few of the guys from the building last night. We headed out to Green Day market for some food and drinks. One of the old vets of Bangkok, Tony, knew a bar spot that was rad. From there, we grabbed food. Some meat on a stick. Sticky rice. Fried chicken wings. Later, we got some fries in a spicy seasoning. And beer. Lots of beer. Not couldn't walk or speak amounts of beer, but it was a lot of beer. Everyone had a nice buzz going. However, it was hot and sticky so we probably sweat out beer as quickly as we drank it. Plus, we were crammed around this little table with little stools. It was like something out of an old Anthony Bourdain show. A bunch of guys eating market food and drinking beer with ice at an outdoor bar patio in a random SEA market.
On top of that, we got there and I had sweat thru my shirt, it was hot and sticky. 91 with 79% humidity at 6:30 at night. When we got to the bar, it’s outdoor seating and patio type thing. With fans. And I was chilly for a minute until my shirt dried. Plus, a local beer in a mug with some huge ass ice cubes… There is something about that. You need to experience it to know it. A year ago, you tell me I was gonna be drinking Singha with ice and enjoying it to the core of myself, I’d have called you a damned liar and told you I ain’t drinking beer with ice. Come to Bangkok, you’ll change your mind on that ASAP.
It got more Bangkok from there.
Tony needed to fly early. Wife, kid, life. I get it. So, I was left with Mike and Manny. Mike is super cool and chill. Like, chill. Everything with Mike is just cool. Zen AF. Cool and Dude are his most used words. Brah is chill. Manny is a Spaniard personified. Personality that is just beyond. Manny as a friend is a hug and fist bump. He’s like an adult version of Kiddo. Everything is exciting to him. We were sitting and talking and an older futbol match was on the telly (soccer on the TV, for the Americans) and there was a banner ad for Singha. That’s a local beer. Manny was like the Kiddo watching baseball and seeing something she knows. Dada, look, that’s a Coke sign. I drink coke too! Guys, Dudes!!!! Singha on the banner. We’re drinking that now. The energy and excitement for life with Manny is infectious. So, the crew was cool. A nice mix of guys in different stages of life who all just jive and enjoy food, beer, company, and who can all talk and hang. It was dope.
But, it was almost 10pm. Getting late. Manny needed to teach. I have Kiddo. Mike was down for another round. He stayed and had another. Manny and I walked.
But, A… You walk a lot in BKK, why is this so noted? Did you guys get lost? Take a scooter? What’s the deal?
The hold up was it was raining. And not just, look rain, raining. Like, can I see in front of me 5 feet raining. It was a torrent of water falling from the sky. Monsoon type rain. The type of rain you can only get in SEA or a jungle. Forrest Gump is jealous of the rain last night.
I had my backpack with its waterproof compartment. Cell phones and wallets into that and lets go. We were soaked thru by step number two.
So, there we are. Two guys. A Spaniard and American. Walking and laughing as we got soaked and didn’t give a care.
It was inconsequential in the grand scheme of life and the universe.
It was one of those moments of life that I will recall and laugh about years from now.
And it was one of those moments in life. Where you are in it, but you think it should be a scene in a movie, not actual life. It was life.
Tonight is a Big Girl Friday with Kiddo and J found a Unicorn cafe that does desserts and cakes and sweets and things like that. So, we’re gonna go and find food in the area and then go see the unicorn cafe.
Click the link, but prepare yourself for the explosion of color and wow!
Kiddo will need your assistance after her visit, because I’m sure she is gonna lose ALL the bananas.
I’m sure I’ll be writing more about that in the days to come.
Until then, be well and be excellent to each other.