Games, Names, and a pair of Trays.

I’ve been a gamer as long as I can remember.  So, raising a little gamer girl is a joy for me, because I love sharing that with her.  I’m glad J accepts it as well, as I dated people in the past who called it a waste of time.  Heck, my whole life I’ve been told it’s a waste of time.  Here’s the irony of it…. Those same people who tell me that will then sit and watch countless hours of TV and that’s not wasting time.  I’m puzzle solving and problem solving.  I’m active in my games.  Sure, some of it is casual and just chill, but mostly I life games with depth and problems to solve.  Final Fantasy.  Dragon Warrior (Now Dragon Quest).  Mega Man 1-6 (Figuring out the levels and boss order).   Shadow of the Colossus.  I prefer things that aren’t just button mashing, but even those have a place in my heart.

Even as a kid, I loved sharing games.  My brother and I would play.  Pass the controller style.  Mega Man 2 was one of our favorites.  Controller got passed at the end of level or at death and the next person got their shot.  

This, however, is one of my favorite memories and Kiddo brought it about.

See, when her and I were playing Shadow of the Colossus a few weeks ago, the game opens with a cinematic of a hawk or some type of bird gliding and flying along your path leading to the menu screen.  Kiddo named that guy, Peckerhead.  Why…. “Cuz birds peck things, Dada.  And he’s a bird.  I thought peckface, but I like Peckerhead.”

When I was a kid, about 7th grade or so, my bro (Let’s call him Grub for short) and I were playing Mega Man 2.  I know for fact we were playing a Mega Man game, but it could have been Mega Man 3.  My father was putting new blinds up in the master bedroom.  The windows were open, since it was a nice day.  It was summer vacation.  We were playing, pretty deep into the game.  Might have been a Dr Wiley Stage (last castle, end game type stuff), or coming up on that soon.  We heard a thump, some hammering, and then a crash.  Immediately following that, we hear my father exclaim, “Frickin’ PECKERhead!”

Playing SotC with Kiddo and her naming the bird Peckerhead brought the memory right back and I just laughed.  And I get it.  Years ago at the zoo in SD and their newly opened Penguin exhibit, they had some native sharks in the water with the penguins.  Little ones.  Tiger sharks, if I recall.  But, not expecting that, when I saw one, I said rather loudly, “OH SNAP!  There’s sharks in them waters.”  Poley says butthead because I was stuck on a game, I can’t remember if it was Hades or SotC, but I was getting thumped by something and I was frustrated, so I called the game a butthead.  So, now, in games when I get stuck or die, Poley will exclaim BUTTHEAD!


All of this gets me reminiscing on life and games.  Especially with Grub.  We have a few memories together of things like Frickin Peckerhead, but also, Pair of 3s.

See, I was raised on Cribbage.  I remember, distinctly, being about Kiddo’s age and learning to play.  My grandfather taught me.  That was followed up by years of drubbings at his hands or at the hands of my uncle Paulie.  

Years later, I was 9th grade or there about.  We were in Florida visiting those same grandparents.  Grub and I were playing cribbage.  I can still remember the white carpet and furniture.  Just sitting on the floor playing.  It was probably a close game.  Grub and I are evenly matched.  Also, not to brag, but we both are (at least we used to be) damned good.  It was either that same summer or the one next, we were again in FL and my grandfather and Uncle Chuck signed up for a cribbage tourney at the retirement community they lived in.  

The Ladies were out shopping or some such.  Grub and I were with the old guys.  Maybe we were there alone, just us boys visiting the grandparents (which I know happened because Grub and I needed to book it thru Detroit airport to make our connecting flight), but either way, we were there with the guys.  Money was on the line.  $250 to the winner, or something like that.  My grandpa Howie, watching Grub and I play a side game while all these old men played Cribbage while waiting on his next match, complimented me on my gameplay and asked if I wanted to sit for him in the next game.  Chuck walked over and heard what was going on and took Grub to sit in his place.  We beat a slew of old guys and made it to the final against each other.  And I know they weren’t dumping to us, because a few of these old guys were pissed that “the kids” were allowed to play.  So, we could (still can?) hold our own.

Anyways, we were just sitting at the grandparents playing each other.  Grub was toiling over what to throw to his crib.  I was dealt Ks, 5s, and 3s.  Dumping the 3s made the most sense point wise, although you never want to throw your opponent points.  It was a casual game, so I did.  And Grub was toiling.  Finally, I told him… Hey, I threw a pair of 3s.  Figuring he’d not believe a word of it.  He didn’t, but he threw himself a 4 and a 5 and a Q dealt on the cut.  So, he had a MONSTER hand in the crib.  To this day I can still talk to Grub and all I need to say is Pair of Threes and he’ll laugh.

Memories are like that.  Some strong and full, easily accessible and always with us.  Pair of threes.  Others, like Peckerhead, are locked away, secreted and safe, to be brought out from time to time.  Polished and admired.  

Kiddo will remember the aquarium.  She remembers the San Diego Zoo and the carousel there and the sky Choo Choo.  She’ll remember LA and moving to BKK, the plane flight, the adventure.  She might remember shopping at Decathlon in the same way.  A locked away memory.  A special memory that will pop up occasionally and it will be a story she tells a boyfriend or girlfriend, a child, a best friend years from now.  I know I’ll remember it, but will it be a daily memory, right up front and easy to reach or will I be shopping with her in 10 years and laugh remembering Decathlon in BKK Rama II and the fun we had jumping and biking and getting lightweight clothes?

At least there’s pictures.  Those help.

So, let’s go Kiddo… I think you’ve been infested with a chocolate monster.  Or is that…. TOPS MONSTER!!!!!!  AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!  HAHAHA.  Love you, Kiddo!

Sitting outside with Mumma

Ice Cream and love

Oh no!  Chocolate monster.

Choco Smooch!!!!

J eats dragon fruit

New Camping Shirt posing for Mumma


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