Grab a rainbow

First things first…. A little something to get out of the way.  If you like 90s alt rock and like a crunchy guitar and solid drum beats, interesting mathematical chords, and solid lyrics, do me a favor and spend 38 minutes listen to The Normal Gray.  Even if you don’t really care for that type of music much, give it a listen.  Really good stuff.


Check it out.  Help out a new artist.  Find a new bop.



Friday Fun Night was a blast, but it was also a bust.

We headed out and traffic was nuts, but so was timing.  We had some issues to clear up with Nanny Beer and an apology for not listening and pushing.  So, those things took a little time as a certain someone didn’t want to apologize right away, so we got behind.  Instead of taking the train to the Chong Nonsi (Choang Non-see) we just got a Grab.  Quicker and easier.  Except for someone not liking being in the car in traffic.

We got thru the challenges of the week and traffic and got to where we needed to be and all was looking up.  We found a place called Pimp My Salad and we wanted something fresh and lighter.  I went with the Cool Gai (Cool Guy) and J went with Jurassic Pork.  We got Kiddo greens and chickpeas since she likes chickpeas.

It was bad!

Just not well conceived.  Over dressed with flavors and spices that didn’t match the items.  Everything was weirdly spicy.  J got cold and slimy bell peppers and I got the same, only mushrooms.  The brown rice was mush and had NO flavor.  The chicken didn’t taste good and was very rubbery, plus it had some pieces with bone pieces still in the chicken, so eating was touch and go, since I didn’t want to crack a molar.  The Kiddo had good greens, so that’s the plus.

Up the street and right around the corner, however, was the destination of the outing, and that is the Unicorn Cafe.  

She did lose all the bananas.

Kiddo just was in her element.  And she brought her unicorn friend, Mixed Up Milkshake.  That harkened back to our old Friday night fun of getting In N Out and Kiddo learned that you could get mixed flavors.  Domino- chocolate and vanilla.  ChocoBerry- Chocolate and Strawberry.  Valentine- Strawberry and Vanilla.  Or Neapolitan (Mixed Up) - All Three.  But, we walked in and she was just bouncing with excitement and joy.  Then, the menu and display case and they had RAINBOW CAKE!!!!!  Well, how can you NOT have rainbow cake?????

J and I split a macaroon.  It was overly sweet, but not offensive.  I’d eat one a month if the Kiddo really wanted to go back.

The joy, though.  The pure bliss.  And meeting all of Mixed Up Milkshakes Unicorn friends, cousins, brothers and sisters, and other 5 year old connections - “That was her Mumma, but then they are friends, cuz unicorns don’t have Mummas like I do, after being a Mumma you can be a friend or wife, but Mixed Up Milkshake is too young to be married.”  Well, put some vinaigrette on that word salad because the only thing you can do with that is send it back or dig right in.  

After that, we ordered another Grab and headed home.  Of course, Mini Me couldn’t resist holding the hand rest, like Dada always does.  And her look is surprise because of the flash, but is also a good visual impression of driving in Bangkok traffic and roads.  

After getting home, we crashed out the lil monkey and popped a beer each and just put on music and caught up on the week.

Today was a lazy day.  Watch some of the Brewers game with coffee and I gotta say, I kinda like that about here.  7:10 first pitch in Milwaukee means 7:10am here.  Coffee and kicking the stuffin’ out the Cubbies ain’t a bad start to the day.  :)  I then hit up the market for produce and fruit.  J went back an hour later to get some bins with the Kiddo to help sort and store some of her stuff and bday gifts and stuff like that.  Just reorganizing and streamlining.

Kiddo and J will wander over to the cafe across the street, where I sit writing this, around lunch time and we’ll eat and chill and probably get to Uno as well.  Rest time.  Afternoon and pool (rain depending) and just life.  

A lazy weekend of family and fun.  Let’s go, J.  Let’s go, Kiddo.  Bangkok’s got too much awesome on it’s feet (watch link and check the 18-22 sec mark to get the joke) and we need to just be part of that fun.


Anonymous said…
OMG. I so want to go to a unicorn cafe!!! AMAZING!!!
Lets Go Kiddo said…
Hi whomever is this Anonymous poster is. Yeah, it was like EVERY unicorn farted confetti and colors.

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