The Jumbo Gumbo post
Mostly tangent free, but I do want to take a moment at the open of today’s blog to send a congratulations to Kentanji Brown Jackson on her nomination and confirmation to the Supreme Court of the United States. Why did it take until 2020 to confirm a woman of color, especially one of African American decent? Qualified. Passionate about law. Well spoken and written (yes, I’ve read a few of her decisions, she is well reasoned and clear. Look it up and read one or two. Interesting stuff.)
Honestly, politics aside, we ALL should be applauding Justice Brown Jackson today!
That aside, tomorrow will have a guest blogger, of sorts. Kiddo is going to have an adventure tonight. We are taking her somewhere special for her Friday Big Girl night. So, no shower. Staying up late. Going out with Mumma and Dada and having a fun adventure. Street Fair, Night Market, Brew Garden with friends, we have plans to go to Asiatique and ride the HUGE Farris Wheel there. Then, there is tonight’s adventure. Kiddo made me promise to NOT blog about it.
Because tomorrow, she is going to make a short vid and she told me, “Dada, I’ll tell you words that you can type on your computer for the blog about Friday night and then you can put pictures, but I get to hold your mo-bile (yup, she says mo-bile. Mo. Bile. Like a Thai or Brit would say it) and do some pictures too. And then, you can make it blog and all my friends and Mimi and PopPop (her grandparents, my folks) and maybe even Mabel will read it.”
So, tomorrow’s guest blogger will be the Kiddo herself.
To tide you over until then, I found this pic. About sums up the 4 year old experience, I’d think.
Wednesday, as noted, was a day out with J. We looked and game planned for Kiddo’s upcoming Bday. We didn’t find what we were looking for, but knew where to find that. So, I was off on a solo mission yesterday to collect all of that. A new huge set of Scribble Scrabble Friends, a second set of Scribble Scrabbles that includes a snake (a current favorite) so that promises to be a hit.
And I just looked that up to link it, Scribble Scrubbie… She calls ‘em Scribble Scrabble. I like it more.
Then, there is the new Playdoh. A whole color set. Like 18 or 24 colors. IDK. It was the big ass box of colors. Plus, a Playdoh dino set thing. That is playdoh and slime combined, I think.
A T-Rex fossil builder thing. It’s a STEM thing. Said ages 6+. I have faith in 5 year old her.
We also got her some other small things, an umbrella of her own. Some books. Snake friends to go with her other hard safari and reptile and bug friends.
Yeah, she’s gonna be spoiled. But, how often do you get to turn 5 years old? Plus Covid, moving across the world, learning a language and culture, and living thru a 15 day Quarantine and a 17 day Covid isolation because you and your family got Covid. Yeah, she deserves it all and then some.
It was super fun to get it all, but I got a bit turned around at the Mall I was at and lost and turned the wrong way. I did, however, get to wander an area and just smell the food from the stalls and eateries scattered about. I love just wandering and smelling the scents and flavors of SEA sometimes. It’s unique. Unusual. Delicious.
Lastly, wake this morning I found out I owed my friend JY a beer. Damned Cubs!!! Well, 161 games left, no one said Milwaukee had to go 162-0. Let’s go Brew Crew. If they ever pull it off and win the World Series, I will probably get a Brewer Tattoo with the Commissioners Trophy and year. Besides that, if they can win it all, I’d let Kiddo stay up or watch it with me. I’m sure the final out would be Kiddo excitement and joy and my crying and laughing and just scooping her up to hug and love. So, sharing it with her would be special to me as well. Let’s go Brewers! And let’s go, Kiddo… We got some cheering to do!