Life; à la mode

I’ve always been fond of cafes and little places like that.  As long as I can remember, those places have been my sanctuary, my haunt, and my go to place.  Center City, Cyber Grounds, Wilsons, BlackHorse, Linneas, and the list goes on and on.  Even better if there is a sun dappled patio.

That was, until Bangkok.  Because, we have our place.  The little cafe/restaurant right across the street.  Meet.Eat.Repeat Cafe.  However, nine days out of ten, I’m sitting inside during the daylight hours.  It was fine in December and January, but right now, as I write this at 09:39 on 22 April 2022, my phone and watch both tell me it’s 93 with highs expected to reach 97/98.  Currently, it “feels like” 99 degrees with a 3mph breeze and 76% humidity.  That ain’t no sittin’ outside weather.  

And, a peek at how the sausage is made…. I can sit here and read, write, work, whatever and still get a great view of Bangkok and Rama II and the life going on around me.  I love the AC and I’m always glad to have it, but the full view windows still make it feel like I’m outside.  Be it first thing in the day (like now) or later in the day for an afternoon cafe or lime soda

I’ve got a great view of life around me.  Corn guy with his cart, the construction around us and the workers in the gravel plot prepping and mixing and working.  Even watching the guys wander off to the little scrum of bushes for a pee break.  The cabs and scooters.  The Carts and Tuk Tuks that get people around.  Thai people who seem impervious to the heat and humidity sitting outside.  The general buzz and movement of life around me.  

That is my life right now.  That is life most days.  Here and blogging.  Or working on life, banking, visa stuff, taxes, or just Kiddo Bday shopping.  Finding a frame shop, a dentist, where to buy coffee beans, places for Friday Big Girl nights, or just reading and taking an hour for myself.  I’m easy enough to find, if you know my habits.

Weekends, J and I will come here with Kiddo, get breakfast, chat, hangout, Kiddo will color or read or play.  This weekend, we can bring the Uno deck and add that to the mix.  The staff knows Kiddo, gave her a cake for her birthday, invited and played with her on Songkran.  Helped us with finding little things (like my coin purse that is on it’s last leg) or where to find certain items or foods.  

It’s our little nook in life.  A small little thing that is a comfort for us.  Feeds us.  Gives us a place to relax.  Gives us a small sense of place in this crazy big city that is Bangkok.  

Because this is a crazy place.  I’ve seen Bangkok Dangerous, Hangover II, Return to ParadiseDeer Hunter, and The Beach.  None of them get it right, but together, they get close.  Enough that they get it right in general.  Not the true heartbeat, but certainly a pulse.  I’ve seen those films and always marveled at the sights, sounds, and beauty of it.  And I get to live in it.  This big, beautiful, mysterious, strange, scary, wonderful, exotic, and bustling city is our home; at least temporarily and we will never experience more than 10% of it.  But we can enjoy it and we do.  It is nice, I’ll admit, to have a little cafe to work out of, find solace in, and have it be a place that is a home away from home in our home away from home while we search for a new place to call home.


In other news, I’ve got some bad news.  J and I will need to split up in 13 years.  Kiddo informed me yesterday that she wants to marry me.  “Because, Dada, I love you.  And lava.  And you’re fun and you know how to play.  Oh, and you already know about Poley.”  Well, as long as I hit all the major criteria.  HAHA

When I asked when….

“Hmmmmm.  Well, can’t do it tomorrow, that’s a Beer day.  So…. Saturday.  Mumma will be here to see it.”

“Oh!  Well, you need to be 18 to get married.”

“I’ve got an idea…. On my 18 birthday you can marry me that day.  At the roof pool like my 5 year old birthday.”

I’ve gotta record her saying this and play it back for her at 18!  HAHAHAHA

And while we’re dealing with Kiddo ridiculousness, she went FULL Rudolph yesterday.  Proving, beyond a shadow of doubt, that she has fully embraced being 5 and plans on living that five year old life to the hilt.   It’s like she turned 5 and pushed All-in on being 5, so look out world.


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